






L.I.F.E.有機米奶粉(30天初米+胚芽黑莓米) Organic Rice・Vitamin・High Calcium・Rice Milk Powder (30 days Young Rice)+ Organic Sprouted Purple Rice・Vitamin・High Calcium・Rice Milk Powder

高鈣.維他命・有機30天初米・奶粉(獨立包裝) 20克 x 10包 + 高鈣.維他命.有機胚芽黑莓米.奶粉(獨立包裝) 20克 x 10包Organic Rice・Vitamin・High Calcium・Rice Milk Powder (30 days Young Rice) 20g x 10 sachets + Organic Sprouted Purple Rice・Vitamin・High Calcium・Rice Milk Powder 20g X 10 sachets "高鈣.維他命・有機30天初米・奶粉(獨立包裝) 20克 x 10包 成份:胚芽糙米初米、米忌廉、椰漿粉、黑糖、鈣質、維他命 (A、B1、B2) 高鈣.維他命.有機胚芽黑莓米.奶粉(獨立包裝) 20克 x 10包 成份:黑莓米胚芽、米忌廉、椰漿粉 、黑糖、鈣質、維他命 (A、B1、B2) 日本美容食 有機米 ‧ 米奶飲品 原產地:泰國 好處及功效: 日本配方,美味天然,有機米製造,含豐富抗氧化成分如植物固醇,伽瑪谷維素及植物營養素等,素食人士,乳糖不耐症患者適用。沒有八大致敏原,如:麩質、乳糖及大豆等,無反式脂肪、無膽固醇、無麩質、非轉基因,營養豐富。有助延緩老化,適合關注血壓、血脂和血糖人士使用。 •補腦 - 豐富維他命B雜(B1,B2,B3,B6,B9,B12)及抗氧化物 •維持動力 - 高葉酸有助細胞恢復 •護眼 - 分別有維他命A •護骨 - 高鈣及維他命K 不含: 無反式脂肪、無麩質、非乳製品、無大豆 認證:清真認證 (Halal) 素食 食用方法: 一包米奶粉可沖10杯米奶。將20克米奶粉加入120至200毫升熱水,攪拌即可飲用,也可按個人喜好調配到其他飲品及食品 適用人群: 大部分人士,特別適合 - 素食人士 - 產前產後女仕 - 長者 - 兒童 貯存方法:避免放在高溫及潮濕地方。開封後,請儘快食用。" "Organic Rice・Vitamin・High Calcium・Rice Milk Powder (30 days Young Rice) 20g x 10 sachets Ingredients:Young Jasmine Rice , Rice Cream, Coconut Cream Powder, Brown Sugar, Calcium, Vitamin (A、B1、B2) Organic Sprouted Purple Rice・Vitamin・High Calcium・Rice Milk Powder 20g X 10 sachets Ingredients:Sprouted Riceberry, Rice Cream, Coconut Cream Powder, Brown Sugar, Calcium, Vitamin (A、B1、B2) The Superfood for Beauty Place of Origin:Thailand Main Functions: Japanese recipe, yummy, healthy and natural organic rice・Powdered Rice Milk •No allergens, no trans fats, no cholesterol, no soy, no preservatives, natural phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals; Vegan-friendly, non-genetically modified •Brain - Rich in Vitamin B and antioxidants • Maintain power - High folic acid helps cells recovery • Eye protection - Vitamin A • Bone protection - High calcium and Vitamin K Special Feature:No Trans Fats, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free Certification:Halal Certification vegan -friendly Directions:A box of rice milk powder can make 12 cups of drink. Place 20g rice vitamin milk powder into 120ml – 200ml hot water or any other drink and stir well. Suitable For: The Majority of the people, especially for - Vegetarian/ Vegan - Pregnant/ Postnatal - Senior - Children Storage:Keep away from high temperature and humid conditions. Please consume as soon as possible after opening."




