












L.I.F.E. BEST WHEY乳清蛋白粉(香蕉忌廉) 送搖杯 Protein Powder (Banana Cream) free 1 Matt Black Shaker Bottle

BEST WHEY 至尊乳清蛋白粉900克(香蕉忌廉) 送Atlhetica超型攪拌搖搖杯 BEST WHEY Protein Powder 900g (Banana Cream) free 1 Atlhetica Matt Black Shaker Bottle ------------------------------------------------ BEST WHEY 至尊乳清蛋白粉900克(香蕉忌廉) 送Atlhetica超型攪拌搖搖杯 Atlhetica Nutrition® 是巴西市場佔有率第一的營養品牌,有超過20年對品質的堅持及不斷創新的精神,屢獲殊榮,更得到廣大消費者認同及支持。生產不同系列的營養產品,持續按照巴西國家健康標準指引(ANVISA)及最佳生產規範(BMP)運作, 是質量及信心的保證, 領導市場,實至名歸。 原產地:巴西 包裝規格: 900克/桶 得獎:屢獲殊榮,連續兩年被選為巴西最佳蛋白營養產品(2018與2019年) 好處及功效: .使用先進技術結合濃縮蛋白、分離蛋白及水解蛋白 .豐富的25克蛋白質,熱量低至130-170卡 .無糖、無麩質及無反式脂肪是超級營養之選 .20年的經驗及科學方法促進你的肌肉成長,令運動及恢復效果更佳,更持續支持你的蛋白質及肌肉綜合發展 .有18種味道選擇,令你可隨意調配出美味奶昔, 曲奇及創意美食配搭 食用方法:在運動前或者運動後又或者在營養師的指導下,取2勺至尊乳清產品 (40克)。1勺的至尊乳清大約等於20克。 搖搖杯:在搖搖杯中加入40克 的BEST WHEY®,加入200毫升的水或植物奶搖勻 電動攪拌機:在攪拌機中加入40克的最佳乳清,200毫升的飲料搖勻即可 其他食法:取40克的BEST WHEY® 與燕麥片,米奶以及其他你喜歡的食物混合 適用人群:3歲以上小孩,青少年,老人,運動員,從事體育運動者,健康成年人。患病或特殊需要的人,請在營養師和醫生的建議下服用。 儲存方法:打開包裝前後,密封,放入陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射,使用後請立即把瓶子蓋住。 成分:濃縮乳清蛋白,分離乳清蛋白,水解乳清蛋白,黃原膠,香蕉片,香蕉和焦糖香草味,蔗糖素,乙酰磺胺酸鉀和甜菊。 重要提示:此產品不能替代日常飲食,請在醫生或營養師的指導下使用,該食品不是低能量食品 過敏原:此產品含有牛奶、大豆,和乳糖 --- 贈品簡介: Atlhetica超型攪拌搖搖杯 700毫升 附送攪拌球 (價值$99) 不含有害物質 (BPA雙酚A) 【運動補水】700毫升的運動水杯輕便易携帶,能滿足您日常與運動時的補水需求,尤其適合健身、瑜伽、室外運動時使用。 【蛋白粉搖搖杯】瓶口設計精美,以確保密封防漏,倒置搖晃不漏水,您可放心將其搖晃以融化蛋白粉等。 【附送攪拌球】附送優質攪拌球,使用簡單方便,只需將其放入杯中便可預防蛋白粉結塊。 BEST WHEY Protein Powder 900g (Banana Cream) free 1 Atlhetica Matt Black Shaker Bottle Atlhetica Nutrition® is the No. 1 nutrition brand in Brazil . Award-winning products include various categories of supplements (energy, proteins, electrolytes and functional, among others).They are manufactured according to the norms established by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and Best Manufacturing Practices (BMP), providing the quality, well-being and efficiency that consumers so desire. For over 20 years, Atlhetica Nutrition® is synonymous with tradition and quality. Place of Origin:Brazil Specification: 900g/bottle Award: Selected the Best Brazilian Protein (2018 & 2019) Main Functions: .BEST WHEY adopts advanced micro and ultra-filtration technology and formula to blend Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC), Whey Protein Isolated (WPI), and Whey Protein Hydrolysed (WPH) .Provide 25 grams of premium protein per serving at a low calorie level of around 130-170 .It is Sugar-free, Gluten-free and Transfat-free .It has scientific pursuit to facilitate your lean muscle growth, optimize training recovery, and build immediate and sustainable muscle protein synthesis .BEST WHEY has choice of 18 flavours and it mixes perfectly to make the most delicious protein shake, smoothie, cookies and any snacks up to your creativity Directions:Prepare 2 measured dosers (40g) of BEST WHEY® before and after training or as directed by a Nutritionist or Physician. 1 BEST WHEY® measured doser* equals approximately 20g. Blender: Add to the blender 40g (2 measured dosers) of BEST WHEY® 200ml of water or plant-based milk and shake Mixer: add to the mixer 40g (2 measured dosers) of BEST WHEY® + 200 ml with beverage of your choice. Other methods: 40g (2 measured dosers) of BEST WHEY® mixed with Oatmeal, Rice milk or your favorite food. Suitable For:Children from 3 years old, teenager, elderly, athletes, physical activity practitioners and healthy adults. People with sickness and/or special needs should be guided by a Nutritionist and/or Doctor for consumption. Storage:Before and after opening the package, keep it out of the sunlight, in a cool and dry place. Avoid moisture, close the bottle immediately after use. Ingredients:BEST WHEY BLEND FORMULA [Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC), Whey Protein Isolated (WPI), Whey Protein Hydrolysed (WPH)], Banana Flakes, Xanthan Gum, Banana and Caramel Vanilla Flavuors, Sucralose and Acesulfame Potassium and Stevia. Important note:This product does not replace a balanced food and your consumption must be oriented by nutritionist or doctor. This is not a food with reduced energy value. Allergens: this product may contain milk, soy and lactose. --- Description of the free gift: BPA FREE Atlhetica Protein Shaker Bottle 700ml with Shaker Ball (Value at $99) EASY TO SHAKE AND MIX: With our newest 700ml Shaker Bottle with Matt Black recyclable design, you can shake and mix anything you want with ease, including protein powder, supplements, milk shake, smoothies and more. EASY TO CLEAN EASY TO CARRY Liquid measurements molded on the side allowing anyone to easily keep track of how much liquid you enjoy every time with precise measurements.





