運動前後聰明吃 讓你增肌減脂事半功倍(三)

運動前後聰明吃 讓你增肌減脂事半功倍(三)








L.I.F.E. Atlhetica無糖高蛋白能量棒(松露朱古力)1盒12條(送速乾運動毛巾)Atlhetica Sugar-Free High Protein Bar(Chocolate Truffle)12 pcs/box (Free 1 Cool Black Towel)

Atlhetica無糖高蛋白能量棒(松露朱古力)1盒12條 Atlhetica Nutrition® 是巴西市場佔有率第一的營養品牌,有超過20年對品質的堅持及不斷創新的精神,屢獲殊榮,更得到廣大消費者認同及支持。生產不同系列的營養產品,持續按照巴西國家健康標準指引(ANVISA)及最佳生產規範(BMP)運作, 是質量及信心的保證, 領導市場,實至名歸。 原產地:巴西 包裝規格:32克獨立包裝,每盒12條 好處及功效: .蛋白棒是用獨特的配方 .每單位含有10 克蛋白質,有助提昇飽肚感,美味無罪惡感,有助增肌健美 .使用健康消脂中鏈脂肪酸,無糖,無人造甜味劑,無麩質,無反式脂肪,低卡路里 (只有100-120卡) .多達8 款口味,營養健康,健康零食之選 適用人群:3歲以上小孩,孕婦,青少年,老人,運動員,從事體育運動者,健康成年人。患病及有特殊需要人士請諮詢營養師和醫生意見食用。 貯存方法:避免受潮,遠離光線, 放置於陰涼乾燥處, 避免陽光直射,打開後請立即食用。 建議食用方法: 健康人士,每天32克(一個),零食代替品,補充全日蛋白質所需。 成份: 蛋白棒外層:酪蛋白酸鈣,濃縮乳清蛋白,分離乳清蛋白,水解乳清蛋白,可可粉,中鏈脂肪酸,低聚果糖,聚葡萄糖,木薯纖維(IMO),食鹽,朱古力糖衣。 餡料:濃縮乳清蛋白,椰子粉和菊粉,阿拉伯樹膠,碳酸鈣,蔬菜甘油,香料, 大豆卵脂磷, 脂肪酸脂與聚甘油,山梨糖醇和麥芽糖醇,山梨酸鉀和苯甲酸鈉。 重要提示:此產品不是藥物 / 建議每天食用量不要超過包裝上提示的 過敏原:含有天然的乳糖,包含牛奶和大豆的衍生物,可能包含花生、杏仁、卡茹、芝麻、 腰果、栗子和雞蛋的衍生物。 贈品簡介: Atlhetica速乾運動毛巾 尺寸:100X30cm 【運動必備】Atlhetica速乾運動毛巾專為運動而設,巾身長約一米,有吸汗,柔軟的特征,能滿足您日常與運動時的需求,尤其適合健身、瑜伽、室外運動時使用 --- Atlhetica Sugar-Free High Protein Bar(Chocolate Truffle)12 pcs/box Atlhetica Nutrition® is the No. 1 nutrition brand in Brazil . Award-winning products include various categories of supplements (energy, proteins, electrolytes and functional, among others).They are manufactured according to the norms established by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and Best Manufacturing Practices (BMP), providing the quality, well-being and efficiency that consumers so desire. For over 20 years, Atlhetica Nutrition® is synonymous with tradition and quality. Place of Origin:Brazil Specification: 32g/pc, 12 pcs/ box Main Functions: .Protein Bar with the exclusive BEST WHEY® formula .It is tasty and has 10g of Protein per unit, to facilitate body & muscle building .Low calorie (100-120 kcal only), use healthy and fat-burning MCT oil, Sugar-free, Gluten-free, Transfat-free, No Fructose, No Glucose .Practical option for quick nutritious snacks in 8 delicious flavours. Directions:32g (1 unit) per a day for healthy individuals, snack to replenish required protein throughout the day Suitable For:Children from 3 years old, pregnant, teenager, elderly, athletes, physical activity practitioners and healthy adults. People with sickness and/or special needs provided that they are guided by a Nutritionist and/or Doctor. Storage:Avoid moisture, store in a cool, dry place and free of sunlight. After opening the bar, consume immediately. Ingredients: Protein bar outer layer: Calcium Caseinate, Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC), Whey Protein Isolated (WPI), Whey Protein Hydrolysed (WPH), Cocoa Powder, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Fructooligosaccharides, Polydextrose, Tapioca Fiber (IMO), Salt, Chocolate Icing. Stuffing: Whey Protein Concentrated, Coconut Fat and Inulin, Gum Arabic, Calcium Carbonate, Vegetable Glycerin, Flavours, Soy Lecithin and Esters of Fatty Acids with Polyglycerol, Sorbitol and Maltitol, Potassium Sorbate and Sodium Benzoate. Important note:This product is not a meal replacement; balance diet is always recommended. Allergens: contains lactose naturally present in milk, milk and soybean derivatives and may contain peanuts, almonds, gergelim, caju, chestnut and pará chestnut and egg derivatives. Description of the free gift: Atlhetica Cool Black Towel Size: 100X30cm [Sports Essentials] The Atlhetica sports towel is designed for sports. The towel is about one meter long and has the characteristics of sweat absorption and softness. It can meet your daily and sports needs, especially suitable for fitness, yoga and outdoor sports.





